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深圳Acon知名厂家 acon中元电子供应

2020/4/16 3:15:22发布166次查看

深圳acon知名厂家 acon中元电子供应      多年来我们坚持质量为根本,大力引入现代管理模式,严格把控产品质量,规范内部管理制度。坚持以科技创新缔造领先品质,不断实现产品的优化升级。坚持用先进文化引领企业,增进共识,通力合作,加强学习创新与团队合作,促进公司的经营管理与法人治理结构的完善,深圳acon知名厂家,使企业和员工共同成长,企业和社会共同发展、前进,深圳acon知名厂家。研发出效果更好,体积更小,功耗更低,价格更廉,成本更低,使用更加灵活,深圳acon知名厂家,维护更加方便,使用寿命更长,可靠性更高的产品。
发展历史(company history):
1992  创建深圳中元 电子有限公司
1992 establishment of shenzhen zhongyuan (acon) electronics co., ltd
1999  获得iso9001质量管理体系认证证书
1999 obtained certificate for iso9001
2002  成立(中国香港)中元实业有限公司
2002 establishment of zhongyuan (acon) industrial co.,ltd in hong kong
2005  获得iso14001环境管理体系认证证书
2005 obtained certificate for iso14001
2006 成立深圳市中元吉康电子有限公司
2006 establishment of shenzhen acon-gicon electronics co., ltd.
2010  收购台资企业川远电子(深圳)有限公司
2010 acquisition of taiwan funded enterprises --- transcend electrolytic (shenzhen) co.,ltd
2011  建立固态铝电解 电容器生产基地
2011 establishment of polymer capacitor production base
2013  获得iecq qc080000有害物质过程管理体系认证
2013 obtained iecq qc080000
2016  成立工程研发中心并通过深圳龙岗区资质认定
2017  通过国 家级高新技术企业认定
2017 qualified the national high-tech enterprise recognition
2018  中国电子元件行业协会评定为aaa级信用企业
2018 won aaa credit enterprises of ceca
2018  荣获鹏城工匠“优胜企业”称号
2018 won the title of shenzhen craftsmen “superior enterprise”
企业文化(corporate culture)
goal: pursue to be a top company in capacitor industry with great efforts and continuous innovation.
mission: promote the development of capacitor industry via long-term planning, advanced technology and management along with enhancement of the core competencies of the company.
经营理念:诚信为本   发展共赢   共创未来
business principle: build on faith, reaching mutual win situation to create a more beautiful future with our partners.
core competencies: customers orientation, persist in advance with times, accuracy in details and drive for perfection
核心价值观:以人为本,善待员工;公平、公正为员工提供发展通道,体现优 秀员工的价值。
core values: people-oriented, kindly treatment to employees; provide fair and just development channels for employees, reflecting the value of excellent employees



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