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深圳高光特光电科技 X5 and Z5 Modulator

2020/6/18 4:38:38发布263次查看

the jdsu agile optical components family includes modulators, switches,
attenuators and tunable filters. these products provide the basis for spectrally
efficient dwdm transmission utilizing dispersion tolerant modulation, channel
monitoring, wavelength switching, remote power control and dynamic channel
selection. they support a wide range of flexible functionalities at lower
operational expenses for the agile optical network. in addition, we have a
complete line of tunable lasers assemblies and sub-assemblies in our agile
transmission module family.
jdsu x5 and z5 single drive 10 gb/s modulators with integrated photodiode are
ideally suited for use in long reach (lr)/ very long reach (vr) metro applications
as well as in long haul (lh) transmission. the x5 is a fixed zero-chirp solution
and the z5 is a fixed ±0.7 chirp solution, both packaged identically. the small
package form factor makes the x5/z5 compatible with the 300 pin msa
transponder footprint.
the x5 and z5 modulators operate over the c and l band. their low drive
voltages make them compatible with low power dissipating driver solutions such
as gaas driver technology.in addition to providing bias control feedback,the new
enhanced photodiode is capable of power monitoring for control of the
transmitter’s modulated output power


中国 深圳


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