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associated research model 3880 耐压绝缘测试仪 安规分析仪

2023/3/13 17:55:53发布58次查看ip:发布人:zengbi
Input specifications
Voltage 100 to 120 VAC / 200 to 240 VAC ± 10%, Auto Range
Frequency 50/60 Hz ± 5%
Fuse 3.15 A, Fast Blow 250 VAC
Dielectric withstand test mode
Output Rating 5000 V at 100 mA AC
Maximum Limit, AC Range: 0.00 - 99.99 mA
Resolution: 0.01 mA
Accuracy: ± (2% of setting + 6 counts)
Minimum Limit, AC Range: 0.000 - 9.999 mA
Resolution: 0.001 mA
Accuracy: ± (2% of setting + 6 counts)
Arc Detection Range: 0 - 9, ON/OFF Select
Ground Fault Interrupt GFI Trip Current: 450 μA max (AC or DC)
HV Shut Down Speed: < 1 ms
Current Display, AC Range 1: 0.000 - 4.000 mA; Accuracy ± (2% of reading + 2 counts)
Range 2: 3.50 - 99.99 mA; Accuracy ± (2% of reading + 6 counts)
Discharge Time < 50 msec for no load
< 100 msec for capacitive load
Maximum capacitive load vs output voltage 1 μF < 1 kV
0.75 μF < 2 kV
0.5 μF < 3 kV
0.08 μF < 4 kV
0.040 μF < 5 kV
0.015 μF < 6 kV
AC Voltage Waveform Sine Wave, Crest Factor = 1.3 - 1.5
Output Frequency Range: 50 or 60 Hz, User Selectable
Output Voltage Regulation ± (1% of output + 5 V) from no load to full load and over input voltage range
Dwell Timer Range: AC 0, 0.2 - 999.9 sec (0 = Continuous)
Ramp Timer Range: Ramp-Up: 0.1 - 999.9 sec
Ramp-Down: AC 0.0 - 999.9 sec
Ground continuity
Auto offset
Range: 0.00 to 0.50 Ω
Resolution: 0.01 Ω
Accuracy: ± (3% of setting + 0.02 Ω)
Ground continuity
Max Limit/Min Limit
Range: 0.00 to 1.50 Ω
Resolution: 0.01 Ω
Accuracy: ± (3% of setting + 0.02 Ω)
Output Short Circuit Current > 200 mA
General specifications
Remote Control & Signal I/O Inputs: Test, Reset, Hardware Interlock, File Recall
Outputs: Pass, Fail, Test-in-Process, Reset-Out, Start-Out
Vmax Displays the maximum voltage values recorded during a breakdown
Imax Displays the maximum leakage current value read during a test
Memories 50 steps
1500 test results
Interface USB standard
Language English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French
Security Multiple user setups with ID and password
Dimensions (W x H x D) 8.5 x 3.5 x 11.9 in., (215 x 88.1 x 300 mm)
Weight 12 lbs (5.46 kgs)


135 3067 5117
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