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2021/7/20 10:22:09发布177次查看ip:发布人:szhzl
ThisAbstract has been presented in Diabetes Association Meeting in San Antonio( Texas) , U.S. 9-13 June 2000.

HypoglycemicEffects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa in Streptozocin-induced Diabetic Mice.MEI-FEN, SHIH.

Chlorellahas been a popular foodstuff in Japan and Taiwan. Administration of Chlorella containing diet to animalsshowed some beneficial effects, e.g. lowered cholesterol levels in serum and in the liver and boosted immune . Inaddition, acute administration of Chlorella pyrenoidosa produced a significant hypoglycemic effect in alloxanizedrats. However, its acute effects onglucose and insulin response in streptozocin-induced animals are not known.

Micereceived 60mg/ kg (i.p.) of Streptozocin (STZ) in citrate ( 10 mM, pH 4.8)as STZ mice or buffer only as controlmice. Basal blood glucose (BGL): blood glucose measured in samples of tail vein blood collected 60 minprior to any treatment and at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min thereafter. Insulin sensitivity test: bothSTZ and control mice were treated with 100 mg/ kg of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (oral) 60 min prior tosoluble insulin (2.5IU/ kg, i.p.) and at 60 min  intervals thereafter.
小鼠接受60mg/ kg(i.p.)以枸橼酸盐(10mM,pH4.8)中链脲佐菌素(STZ)作为STZ小鼠或仅以缓冲液作为对照小鼠。基础血糖(BGL):在任何治疗前60分钟和治疗后0、30、60、90和120分钟采集的尾静脉血样本中测量的血糖。胰岛素敏感性试验:STZ和对照组小鼠在可溶性胰岛素(2.5iu/ kg,i.p.)前60min,每隔60min口服蛋白核小球藻100mg/ kg。

TheBGLs in STZ mice were significantly suppressed at 30, 60, and 90 min(+27, 164+45, 133+28mg/dL accordingly) after the acute treatment of Chlorellacompared to that at-60 min  (30239 mg/dL) . In normal mice, Chlorella produced a significant but transient decreaseon  BGL at 90 min( 82+7, p< 0. 05I-test, mg/dL at-60min) after the treatment.Chlorella  also enhanced the hypoglycemic effects ofexogenous insulin in STZ mice. This enhancement was  maintained up to 240 (+43, 317+34mg/dLat-60 min) after the insulin treatment. The same treatment did not produce significant difference in normal mice(1377at-60 min and 133  +12mg/ dLat 240min).

Thecurrent data show that acute Chlorella pyrenoidosa administration ameliorateshyperglycemic status of STZ diabeticmice that can be maintained for as long as 3 hours after the treatment. ChronicChlorella pyrenoidosa intake may have a role in assisting blood glucose controlin  diabetes. Further studies on thisissue are undergoing.


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