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深圳GOEL咪头防水透气膜 防水透气膜厂家定做

2020/1/11 14:23:00发布145次查看
breathable waterproof membrane 1950s, german scientists found that construction, and waterproofing self-adhesive bituminous sealing performance characteristics and the waterproof coating material, so that residual moisture in the concrete structure is enclosed within the structure, water-permeable film-mic , water vapor can not be distributed within the concrete structure which led to the roof and wall breeding ground for mold, breathable waterproof membrane microphone, indoor air quality on human health is seriously threatened. thus, german construction industry roofing mat having started breathable properties, to replace the self-adhesive coating and waterproof membrane, this air cushion breathable base layer spread over the roof, so that in-situ concrete roof water vapor discharged rapidly out, thus avoiding a breeding ground for mold. in the historical context, awareness of energy efficiency in buildings is not enough, in the 1970s, with the outbreak of the world's energy crisis, more and more energy-efficient buildings in europe and america to pay attention to it. energy experts found that the breathable waterproof membrane, so that although the water vapor permeability cushion situ concrete roof is discharged, an effective solution to moisture and mold problems, however, a large amount of water vapor by the water into the insulation strict emission, thermal performance of insulation materials vapor results in insulation with structure and moisture damage. gas-permeable polytetrafluoroethylene film properties described edit known breathable waterproof membrane (polytetrafluoroethene, generally referred to as non-stick coating or non-stick pan materials; the use of a synthetic fluorine atoms substituted for all the hydrogen in polyethylene polymer material. this material has acid alkali, characteristics against various solvents, almost insoluble in all solvents. at the same time, waterproof breathable membrane having characteristics of high temperature resistance, its low coefficient of friction, it can be used for lubrication apart, it has become over the paint-stick pan and inner pipes.



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